Getting Ready to Go

The countdown is on in our household. Only 2 more days til we leave to Disneyworld on our family vacation, and I have never been so excited in my life! One of the fun aspects is that we are actually driving there. I am the one driving. Which is fine because I love driving. So we get to make a couple of stops here and there at hotels, and call me strange again, but I love hotels as well. I have such a tight schedule before we leave though.

Trulys Ballet
Clean a clients house
Go to a Wedding where I am a bridesmaid and Truly is the flowergirl

Prepare for Meeting
Attend a WAHM meeting
Finish shopping for the trip

It never really ends does it?


  1. No my dear, it doesnt! =) But it will all be fun and worth it! HAVE a blast.

  2. Sorry I haven't posted on your blog in forever! I'm so jealous you get to go to Disney! I love that place! I hope everything is going great for you and your fam!

  3. Hey! I found your blog on Mommy Blogger Directory! Loved reading it, you seem like such an awesome momma! You have such a beautiful little girl and I love her name!!!
